An aggressive player but the loose image hides a focused and tricky individual who knows how to squeeze every last chip possible.  Tough to read and especially strong in the heads-up battle.

PAULY 'The Prodigy' INNES

A true master of the game.  Changes gears frequently to confuse opponents and has an excellent mathematical knowledge that he uses to his advantage greatly.  An extremely tough opponent if in the chip lead.

SIMON 'Silent Assassin' SPENCER

The rock of the group!  When he bets.....he usually gets respect.  He can seem extremely cautious but is always calculated.  The tight facade allows the perfect smokescreen for some creative and profitable play.

BEN 'The Answer' JONES

Likes to see flops and to keep the pressure on his opponents.  He has the ability to switch styles and can fold big hands at the right time.  Never knows where the blinds are.


Another aggressive player who can easily run over the table if he's allowed to.  Also has an excellent understanding of the maths aspect of the game.  Is by no means a 'one trick pony' and can mix it up at will.  Bluffer's beware!

DAVE 'Double Barrell' CHAPMAN

Impossible to read this guy unless he's holding pocket aces.  And given that he gets more bullets in one night that you see in an episode of the A-Team, he's clearly worked hard on his poker-face.  Another strong all round player.  When he's firing he's a nightmare opponent.

DAN 'The Main Man aka Chuck' Norris

A newcomer to the league in 2009! Mixes up his game and considers the action before making a play. One to watch this year!

Marc 'Huggy Bear' Hudspith

Another newcomer to the PPL! A highly unpredictable player and capable of absolutely anything. Watch out for big things from the 'Bear' in 2009!


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